Friday, December 9, 2016

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" trailer breakdown

THE “SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING” TRAILERS ARE HERE!!! That’s right! We got two new Spider-Man trailers last night. It’s time to take a look at both of these trailers and break them down piece by piece. Only a few days in and I’m already selling out by over-analyzing and speculating over two short trailers for a superhero movie. I normally wouldn’t do something like this but it’s Spider-Man! Let’s get started!

U.S. trailer:
trailer here- 
The trailer opens with a few shots of NYC and a bunch of bank robbers using tech to rob an ATM. The tech might be an invention of The Tinkerer. A long time Spider-Man villain who’s rumored to be in the film. (In the comics, The Tinkerer is actually an alien but I don’t know if they’ll go that far for the MCU adaptation.) It’s worth noting that the bank robbers are wearing cheap store bought Avengers masks to conceal their identities, similar to a scene from the comics.

This scene was also depicted in a leaked Lego set from earlier this month. Before Spider-Man gets the drop on these thugs, he adjusts himself ever so slightly for optimal cool factor… leaning up against a wall! Something any teenage boy would do if he was capable of stopping an armed robbery with very little effort. We move from this action-packed scenario to a much more mundane high school setting. This is contrasting the duality of Peter Parker’s secret identity. MGMT’s “Time to Pretend” plays over this high school montage and gives us the feeling of an American Indie teen movie. We even see that Midtown High’s homecoming dance is coming soon hence the title “Spider-Man:  Homecoming” HA! Clever! Peter Parker and his friend Ned Leeds (the Hobgoblin in the “AMS” comics) are seen sitting in the cafeteria ogling over Liz Allen (Peter Parker’s high school crush from the comics). The two are interrupted by Zendaya’s character in the film. Zendaya is credited as playing Michelle Gonzales but rumors and fan speculation would suggest that her character is actually a variation on Mary Jane Watson. Maybe her initials will spell MJ like Michelle [insert a name that starts with a J here]. Who knows! Isn’t it fun to speculate? 

Now we transition to an awkdorable exchange between RDJ’s Tony Stark and Tom Holland’s Peter Parker. Their screen time together in “Captain America: Civil War” was fantastic and I can’t wait to see what kind of impact Tony Stark’s mentorship will have on our young Peter Parker.
Back to school as we get a few more Easter eggs in the trailer. Howard Stark (Tony’s father) can seen on a mural at Midtown High as well as a photo of Bruce Banner, among other real-life historical scientists, in Peter’s science class. Who knew turning yourself into an enormous green rage monster would put you alongside Sir Isaac Newton?

Then we have a quick scene of Peter watching footage of himself in the airport fight during ‘Civil War’. This is possibly footage documented by Peter himself and hinting at a career of taking spidey pics for the Daily Bugle. Now we get a bunch of Star Wars Easter eggs when Peter wall crawls in on Ned and his massive collection of Star Wars toys. An X-wing, AT-AT, a few action figures, and even a Lego Death Star can be seen in the room. Oh, and Ned finds out that Peter is actually Spider-Man. Maybe their dynamic in the film will be similar to Miles Morales and Ganke Lee from the “Ultimate Spider-Man” comics. Who knows! Pure speculation!  

Now for our frightening first look at Michael Keaton’s the Vulture in all his bird man glory!

 A little closer.

THERE WE GO!!! Tom Holland has once described the Vulture as something straight out a horror movie and Tony Stark even backs this up in the trailer by calling him “a flying monster guy”. Tony Stark tries to persuade Peter away from dealing with the Vulture himself but you know that good of Spidey responsibility won’t let him look the other way. Peter does a little speech about wanting to prove himself to everyone and we get our first demonstration of the web wings in action. Spider-Man’s armpit webbing has been a classic part of the costume since the 1960s Steve Ditko era. It fit in well with the old school Spider-Man tone that this movie is trying to pull off. 

We also get a very menacing threat from Michael Keaton’s Vulture saying “Don’t mess with me because I will kill you and everyone you love”. It’s always scary to be threatened by Batman regardless of which comic book universe it is. I don’t think it’s specifically directed to Spider-Man but probably one of the Vulture’s cronies. Maybe even Donald Glover’s character that we also see in the trailer standing next to a criminal with a high-tech gun. Maybe Donald Glover could be playing master thief, Aaron Davis (Miles Morales's uncle in the Ultimate universe). Didi anyone else notice that this guy's jacket looks a lot like the Shocker's suit?

We actually see a bunch of similar high-tech weapons in this trailer. Vulture can be seen firing an energy gun inside a New York ferry splitting it in half. There’s a nice homage to the train scene from “Spider-Man 2” while Peter is trying to keep the whole ferry from collapsing

Speaking a tech, Spider-Man seems to be missing his upgraded spidey suit and to his hoodie and jeans look from before ‘Civil War’. Maybe hinting that Tony Stark will take the suit away from him at one point in the film for disobeying his orders or maybe the suit become severely damaged in  previous fight. The trailer ends with an epic fly-by with Iron Man and Spider-Man triumphantly swinging through the city. It’s an image straight out of the comics. 

International trailer:

trailer here-
A lot of the same scenes are kept in this trailer with a few bonus shots thrown in the middle. The most noticeable difference in the trailers would probably be the tone. While the U.S. trailer is going for a more high school approach the international trailer is all business and action. International audiences don’t want to see American kids in high school! They want to see violence!!! The trailer kicks off with segments from the famous airport scene in ‘Civil War’. You have to keep reminding audiences that all these movies are connected. Cut to the same adorkable scene between Tony Stark and Peter Parker from the first trailer. This time with some added dialogue and the harsh reminder that Spider-Man isn’t an official member of the Avengers yet. Maybe in a few years when ‘Infinity war’ comes around, kid. We get the same bank heist from the first trailer but with some bits taken out. We get a better look at the tech that might eventually be used by the Shocker. His appearance in the film has been rumored and him set photos have also leaked. Like I said, it’s a lot of the same footage but put together with a much heavier focus on action rather than the high school stuff.

final thoughts:
THE HYPE IS REAL!!!! I’ve seen these trailers so many times and they get better every time. I tend to lean more towards liking the U.S. domestic trailer though. Something about the soundtrack just gets me excited to watch a Spider-Man high school comedy. Hopefully, we’ll see things we haven’t seen in any other Spider-man movie before and avoid all the things we’ve seen way too many times in the previous films. 4 out 5 Spider-Man movies end with a funeral scene. 5 out of 5 Spider-Man movies feature a villain that Peter has personal ties to but suddenly goes insane. 1 out of 5 Spider-Man movies contain very embarrassing dancing scenes with Peter Parker. Tom Holland’s background in theater should mean that his dance moves are much better than Tobey Maguire’s but you never know.  With all things considered, I can’t wait until “Spider-Man: Homecoming” comes to theaters on July 7th, 2017.

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