Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Introduction to my blog

This blog will primarily focus on my interests in comic books, movies, television, and other related media. I set up this blog back in September but haven't really done anything with it yet. My apologies. Since we're getting closer to the end of the year and nothing new or majorly important is coming out until "Rogue One" then I thought we might take this time to look back at 2016. Sure, 2016 might have been a rough one for us all but it was a very exciting year in terms of comic books and their expanded materials. Everything from Marvel's shared cinematic universe to DC Comic's Rebirth re-launch. In the coming days and weeks I'll be posting my thoughts, opinions, and reviews about this year's biggest blockbusters and events. As we head  into next year, get ready for some potential podcasts, commentaries, and videos about all things geek culture. I'm very excited to share all these things with a new audience. This is really just the beginning.

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